10 января 2011 г.

EU NAVFOR welcomes the French destroyer MONTCALM

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22 декабря в состав сил EUNAVFOR прибыл и приступил к патрулированию фрегат военно-морских сил Франции FS MONTCALM (D 642)

The French Destroyer FS MONTCALM (D 642) joined the EUNAVFOR Task Force on the 22 December.

Commanded by Captain Guillaume Chove, the ship and its crew are fully prepared and trained to take an active part within EUNAVFOR. MONTCALM is equipped with extensive self defence capability and includes a helicopter. The warship has an advanced medical facility and has Arabic interpreters integrated within its crew.

As a flexible warship, MONTCALM is well adapted to counter-piracy missions and will improve the capability of EUNAVFOR to protect vulnerable vessels, especially those of the World Food Programme, to deter and prevent acts of piracy, and to contribute to monitoring fishing activities off the coast of Somalia.

D-642 MONTCALM holds 255 crew members, including 20 officers. She has been commissioned for service in the French Navy since 1982. The warship has a displacement of 3.800 tons and a length of 139 meters.

Le Montcalm est une frégate anti-sous-marine de F70 de la Marine nationale française de classe Georges Leygues. Son numéro de coque est D 642. Elle est parrainée par la ville de Nîmes. Il porte le nom de Louis-Joseph de Montcalm (1712-1759).

Tegs: Gulf of Aden, Atalanta, бпк "Адмирал Виноградов"

EU NAVFOR welcomes the French destroyer MONTCALM to the mission

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