11 апреля 2010 г.

Poland's President Kaczynski, wife, delegation killed in plane crash (April 10, 2010)

MOSCOW, April 10 (RIA Novosti)

Polish Foreign Ministry press secretary Petr Paszkowski said the Tu-154 passenger plane with Polish President Lech Kaczynski crashed some 300-400 meters from the runway near the Russian city of Smolensk on Saturday while landing in heavy fog.

Paszkowski said the Polish president was heading a delegation that was to attend the Katyn ceremonies in southwest Russia in honor of the mass killing of Polish officers on the brink of WWII.

According to a Russian Investigative Committee member, Vladimir Markin, there were 132 people on board the aircraft. Everyone on board the aircraft died.

"The plane crashed during landing after it caught onto a tree," Paszkowski said.

Kaczynski was traveling with his wife, Maria, as well as delegates from the Polish National Memorial Institute and the vice-speaker of the Polish Parliament.

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