10 июня 2010 г.

BALTOPS - 2010. USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20). Russian navy landing ship Kaliningrad (LSTM 102). BALTIC SEA (June 8, 2010).

7 июня начались Международные военно-морские учения "

В учениях, проводимых рамках программы "Партнерство во имя мира", участвуют более 30 надводных кораблей и судов обеспечения, 14 самолетов и вертолетов, две подводные лодки.

В учениях задействованы корабли ВМС России, Германии, Франции, Финляндии, Швеции, Дании, Нидерландов, США, Эстонии, Латвии, Литвы, Польши, Бельгии. 

Руководством учений многонациональных военно-морских сил определены 3 района действий у побережья Латвии и Эстонии. 

Россию на учениях "BALTOPS-2010" представляет большой десантный корабль (бдк) "Калининград" (командир капитан 2 ранга Михаил Кушнерев).

Как сообщил помощник командующего Балтийским флотом России капитан 1 ранга Юрий Куроедов, бдк действует в составе тактической группы из 11 кораблей ВМС Дании, Швеции, Германии, США и Польши.

В ходе активной фазы маневров на Балтике с 7 по 16 июня корабли проведут комбинированное учение по противолодочной обороне, учения по ПВО, выполнят стрельбы по воздушным и надводным целям, проведут совместное маневрирование, а также примут участие в досмотровой операции условного судна нарушителя, продемонстрируют возможности противодействия терроризму и пиратству на море.

100608-N-3970R-426 BALTIC SEA (June 8, 2010).

The amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20) and the Russian navy landing ship Kaliningrad (LSTM 102) are underway in formation on the second day of Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise 2010.

Twelve nations are participating in the 38th iteration of BALTOPS. 

The exercise is intended to improve interoperability with partner nations by conducting realistic training both on land and at sea.

U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jenniffer Rivera.

USS MOUNT WHITNEY, At Sea (NNS) -- Maritime forces from 12 countries began participating in a multinational naval exercise in the Baltic Sea June 7-19.

The Baltic Operations (BALTOPS) exercise is an annual event aimed at improving interoperability and cooperation among regional allies.

"The United States has sponsored BALTOPS for the past 37 years because of the unique opportunity it offers," said Rear Adm. Michelle Howard, commander, Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) 2. "It allows us to operate collectively with our regional partners and enhance maritime security in the Baltic Sea."

During the exercise Sailors will work side-by-side with other personnel from partner nations, both on land and at sea, and will become familiar with countries' military operating procedures and practices.

"BALTOPS has traditionally been a maritime exercise with operations conducted solely at sea, but this year's exercise has added two additional pieces," said British Navy Rear Adm. Ian Corder, deputy commander, Combined Joint Task Forces BALTOPS. 

"We will be conducting an offload in Latvia and an amphibious exercise in Estonia. 

While the maritime piece remains the primary activity of BALTOPS, these other two pillars provide diversity of operations not previously experienced in this exercise."

The goal is to work together to improve each country's ability to counter threats to maritime safety and security and conduct other operations such as peacekeeping or humanitarian responses.

Nations participating in this 38th anniversary of BALTOPS include Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Sweden and the United States.

"We recognize the commitment of nations in providing these forces, and we are grateful for their contributions," said Corder. 

"Accordingly, we have a challenging and relevant exercise planned, with portions of the training dedicated to counter-piracy and maritime interdictions operations, two areas in which many navies currently focus much of their time and energy."

The events scheduled for range from traditional activities to emerging missions. 

Some of the traditional activities include mine clearance operations, anti-submarine warfare and surface-to-air defense, while the newer operations include counterpiracy, small-boat attack and other maritime security tasks.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe - U.S. Naval Forces Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet, visit www.navy.mil/local/naveur/.

010815-N-2743B-005 The Second Fleet flagship USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20).

U.S. Navy Photo by Photographer's Mate 1st Class Joe Bullinger.


Baltops -2010. М-1099 Herten, HMS Trossö, HMS Sturkö. 

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