4 февраля 2010 г.

EU NAVFOR Flagship ITS ETNA called in at Port VICTORIA, Republic of Seychelles.

Четырех дневный визит флагманского корабля EU NAVFOR ITS ETNA в порт Виктория (Сейшельские о-ва).
On 29th of January, after three weeks of patrolling in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin, EU NAVFOR Flagship ITS ETNA called in at Port VICTORIA, Republic of Seychelles for a four day visit.
EU NAVFOR Commander RAdm Giovanni GUMIERO met several Civilian and Military Authorities, including Vice President BELMONT and Minister MORGAN who expressed their gratitude to EU NAVFOR for their continuing support to the Seychelles in the anti piracy mission.

Seychelles is playing a fundamental role in fighting piracy following a written agreement between EU and the Republic of SEYCHELLES on 30th of October which allows apprehended alleged pirates and armed robbers to be transferred from EU NAVFOR Units to the Island for prosecution.

Piracy contributes to destabilisation in the Region especially for a Nation such as Seychelles. It deters national fishing fleets from operating in the Seychelles’ Exclusive Economic Zone and a considerable number of cruise and merchant ships divert to other ports. This creates an impact on tourism and does have a limiting factor on the economic growth of the Nation.

The Political and Military Authorities and RAdm GUMIERO agreed to enhance the already close cooperation between the Seychellois Coast Guard, Seychelles Defence Forces and EU NAVFOR. Maritime Patrol Aircraft from EU NAVFOR are provided with basing facilities in the Seychelles and have already conducted joint operations against piracy.

Foto: EU NAVFOR Flagship ITS ETNA, FCDR RAdm GUMIERO and Chief of Defense Brigadier PAYET

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