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4 сентября 2010 г.

INS Shankush (S45) commander Firdaus Mogal died. (August 30, 2010)

Низкая организация службы на дизель-электрической подводной лодке "Шанкуш" (INS Shankush) ВМС Индии привела к трагической гибели командира ПЛ.

Вахтенный офицер и командир подводной лодки "забыли", что на верхней палубе находится член экипажа, который производил ремонтные работы. Дав команду на погружение, командир обнаружил подчиненного. Пытаясь спасти матроса, уже смытого за борт набежавшей волной, командир индийской подводной лодки "Шанкуш" капитан-лейтенант Фирдаус Могал погиб.

Как передает "Интерфакс" со ссылкой на ВМС страны, трагический инцидент произошел во время совместных индийско-французских учений, завершившихся накануне.

Подводная лодка "Шанкуш" наряду с фрегатом "Брахмапутра" отрабатывали взаимодействие с кораблем ВМС Франции "Дюплекс" в районе боевой подготовки в 60 милях от ВМБ Мумбаи. 

Приблизительно 8:30 утра в понедельник подводная лодка готовилась к погружению. За считанные минуты до ухода под воду командир обнаружил, что на палубе остался матрос, занимавшийся ремонтными работами.
Вместе с еще четырьмя членами экипажа, помогая поднять смытого в море матроса, командир ПЛ подскользнулся и сам упал с борта в воду. Спасти матроса подводники успели, а вот вытащить из воды командира не смогли: волна быстро унесла его, не предпринимавшего попыток выбраться из воды, предположительно он потерял сознание.

Тело флотского офицера нашли спустя несколько часов вертолеты береговой охраны. Обследование показало, что при падении в воду он получил травму, и поэтому не смог удержаться на плаву.

"Что именно произошло с лодкой, и почему люди на палубе не имели страховки и не были своевременно оповещены о необходимости спуститься вниз, сейчас выясняет комиссия по служебным расследованиям", - отметили в ВМС.

Trying to save a subordinate washed overboard not far off Mumbai, INS Shankush commander Firdaus Darabshah Mogal died. INS Shankush (S45) is a Shishumar-class diesel-electric submarine of the Indian Navy.

The tragic incident happened right after joint Indian-French exercise, reported Interfax referring to Indian Navy's sources.

Submarine INS Shankush and frigate INS Brahmaputra practiced interaction with French frigate Dupleix. On Monday at 8.30 am approx the sub was prepared for diving. Within minutes before submergence the sub commander found out that a sailor remained topside repairing failure.

Mogal rushed outside along with four crewmen; the submarine was almost covered with waves. Trying to help a sailor fallen into the sea, the sub commander slipped in the water. Other submariners managed to rescue the repairman, although failed to yank the commander out of the water. Not trying to survive, he was taken away by waves; obviously, he fainted.

The officer's body was found by Coast Guard helicopters several hours later. According to inquiry held, the CO suffered an injury while falling into the sea, so he could not hold aswim in the chopping sea.
"Special investigative panel will answer the questions what exactly happened to the sub, why people were unguarded topside and were not ordered to get inside on time", said Indian Navy's official.

Lt Cdr Firdaus Darabshah Mogal was born on 15 Oct 1974 to Darabshah and Armin in Ahmedabad. Firdaus was the eldest of the three sons.

He completed schooling from Maneckji Cooper Educational Trust and joined the prestigious National Defence Academy in the year 1992.

He was commissioned into the Indian Navy as a Sub Lieutentant on 01 Jan 1998.

Firdaus being adventurous at heart volunteered for the submarine arm of the Indian Navy and qualified the Basic Submarine course with flying colours.

His illustrious career included appointments as Anti Submarine Warfare Officer onboard INS Shalki, The Training Coordinator, Submarine School, INS Satvahana, Vishakhapatnam and the Executive Officer, INS Shankush. For his professional competence, zeal, enthusiasm and devotion to duty Lt Cdr FD Mogal was commended by the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Naval Command in 2007.

Lt Cdr Firdaus Mogal made the supreme sacrifice in an unmatched show of fearless valour whilst saving the lives of his shipmates onboard INS Shankush on 30 Aug 10. He is survived by his wife Kerzin and two year old son Yashan. R.I.P.

The Shishumar(S45) are an Indian variant of the German HDW Type 209/1500 submarine. The Shishumar class vessels are diesel-electric submarines - INS Shishumar (S44), INS Shankush (S45), INS Shalki (S46), INS Shankul (S47).

They were commissioned between 1986 and 1994. The first two vessels were built at HDW, while the remainder were built at Mazagon Dock Limited (MDL), Mumbai under a technology transfer agreement.

These submarines have a displacement of 1660 tons when surfaced, a speed of 22 knots (41 km/h), and a complement of 40 including eight officers.

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