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6 января 2014 г.

INS Vikramaditya arrived on Indian waters. Enjoy.

INS Vikramaditya comes home, escorted by Western Fleet ships.
INS Vikramaditya and INS Viraat in the Arabian Sea.

На фото авианосцы ВМС Индии INS Vikramaditya ( Викрамадитья, бывший Адмирал Горшков. СССР/Россия) и INS Viraat (Вираат, бывший Hermes. Великобритания) в сопровождении кораблей охранения фрегата INS Teg и эсминца INS Mumbai (справа) в Аравийском море.

El buque más alejado es la fragata INS Teg. A la izquierda está el portaviones INS Vikramaditya. A la derecha el destructor INS Mumbai y el buque más cercano es el portaaeronaves INS Viraat.

Shown here is the INS Vikramditya (extreme left), INS Viraat in the foreground, INS Teg in the background, and INS Mumbai to the right.

After a non-stop, 8000 nautical mile voyage without any port stops, the INS Vikramaditya has arrived in the Indian Navy's Area of Responsibility (AOR) and commenced integration with the Western Fleet.

Vikramaditya Group:
CV INS Vikramaditya R33
DDG INS Delhi D61 (Delhi Class)
FFG INS Trikand F51 (Talwar Class)
AOR INS Deepak A50 (Deepack Class)

Viraat Group:
CVL INS Viraat R22
DDG INS Mumbai D62 (Delhi Class)
DDG INS Mysore D60 (Delhi Class)
FFG INS Trishul F43 (Talwar Class)
FFG INS Tig F45 (Talwar Class)

That's two carriers, three destroyers, three frigates, and one AOR vessel. Nine Indian naval vessels altogether. 

I would not be surprised to learn later that the INS Chakra is there too...that's the Akula II Class SSN that the Indians got from the Russians in 2011.


Vikramaditya arrives!


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