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27 июня 2011 г.

USS Pasadena (SSN 752) вернулась в Pearl Harbor. (Июнь 22, 2011)

110622-N-UK333-034 JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii (June 22, 2011)

The Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returns to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam after a scheduled deployment to the western Pacific Ocean.

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ronald Gutridge).

110622-N-UK333-068 JOINT BASE PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM, Hawaii (June 22, 2011)

Lt. j.g. Paul Galatro meets his daughter for the first time as the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returns to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam. Pasadena completed a six-month deployment to the western Pacific region. 

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ronald Gutridge).

АПЛ " Пасадена" типа «Лос Анджелес» является многоцелевой подводной лодкой, основное назначение которой борьба с ПЛ и надводными кораблями противника, ведение разведывательных действий, специальных операций, переброска спецподразделений, нанесение ударов, минирование, поисково-спасательные операции.

Типичный вариант боевой загрузки АПЛ типа «Лос Анджелес» (последних модификаций) - 12 ПКР «Томагавк», 6-8 ПКР «Гарпун», 16 торпед Mk 48 ADCAP. 

КР «Томагавк» в варианте для атаки береговых объектов имеет дальность 2500 км (с ядерной боеголовкой), 1600 км с обычной. Система TAINS управляет полётом ракеты к цели на дозвуковой скорости на высоте от 20 до 100 м. Противокорабельный вариант КР «Томагавк» имеет дальность до 450 км.

ПКР «Гарпун» в модификации для подводных лодок оснащается активной радиолокационной головкой самонаведения и имеет 225 килограммовую БЧ. Дальность составляет 70 км при околозвуковой скорости полёта.

АПЛ типа «Лос Анджелес» имеют четыре 533-мм торпедных аппарата, расположенных в средней части корпуса и позволяющих вести стрельбу на полной скорости хода, а также систему управления торпедной стрельбой «Mark 113», а начиная с SSN-700 — «Марк 117».

Боезапас включает 26 торпед или ракет, запускаемых из торпедных аппаратов, включая КР «Томагавк», ПКР «Гарпун» и торпеды «Mark 48 ADCAP». 

Торпеды «Gould Марк 48» предназначены для поражения как надводных целей, так и быстроходных подводных лодок. Торпеда управляется как с передачей команд по проводу, так и без него и использует активную и пассивную систему самонаведения. 

Кроме того эти торпеды оборудованы системой многократной атаки, которая применяется при потере цели. Торпеда осуществляет поиск, захват и атаку цели.

АПЛ «Лос Анджелес» также может принимать мины моделей «Mobile Mark 67» и «Captor Mark 60».

101214-N-3560G-001 PEARL HARBOR-HICKAM (Dec. 14, 2010)

The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) departs Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam for a regularly scheduled six-month deployment to the western Pacific region.
(U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Josh Thompson).

100731-N-6854D-089 PEARL HARBOR (July 31, 2010)

The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returns to Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam after participating in Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) 2010 exercises. RIMPAC is a biennial, multinational exercise designed to strengthen regional partnerships and improve multinational interoperability. 

(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Jon Dasbach).  

091204-N-5212T-001 PEARL HARBOR (Dec. 4, 2009)

Los Angeles Class fast-attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returned to Naval Station Pearl Harbor, following a six-month deployment to the western Pacific region.

(U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Josh Thompson/Released)

YOKOSUKA, Japan (Nov. 20, 2009)

Mount Fuji is visible behind the Los Angeles-class fast attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) in port at Fleet Activities Yokosuka.
(U.S. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Greg Kuntz)

USS Pasadena (SSN 752) is the third vessel and first submarine so named in the U.S. Navy. Her missions include anti-submarine warfare and strike warfare. It provides the Fleet Commander or Task Force Commander a multimission platform and has virtually unlimited endurance due to its nuclear propulsion plant. The boat also features advanced sonar capabilities, torpedo, cruise missile and mine delivery systems.

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (April 30, 2008)

Electronics Technician 2nd Class Donald Gibson proposes to his girlfriend, Jamie Thorp, upon the return of the fast-attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) to Naval Station Pearl Harbor. Pasadena departed her homeport in October for a six-month western Pacific deployment.
(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Cynthia Clark).

SOUTH CHINA SEA (Jan. 24, 2008)

Sonar Technician (Submarine) 2nd Class Mike Micheli, assigned to the Los Angeles-class submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752), renders a 13-gun salute during a burial at sea for retired Rear Adm. Eugene Fluckey. Fluckey's ashes were scattered at the same location where he and his crew rescued 14 allied POWs stranded at sea more than 60 years ago. Pasadena is on a scheduled six-month deployment to the western Pacific Ocean.
(U.S. photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Barry R. Hirayama). 

SUBIC BAY, Philippines (Jan. 21, 2008)

Command Master Chief Jim Lyle, chief-of-the-boat for the Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752), shows Olongapo city officials how submarines navigate when submerged during a boat tour on a scheduled port visit to Subic Bay. Pasadena is on a scheduled six-month deployment to the western Pacific Ocean.
(U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Barry Hirayama)

PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (Dec. 22, 2005)

A chief petty officer embraces a family member after the nuclear-powered attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752) returned from a six-month deployment in the 7th Fleet area of operations. While on deployment, Pasadena participated in various exercises, conducted missions, and helped to keep a forward naval presence in the theater.
(U.S. Navy photo by Chief Journalist David Rush)
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (Oct. 31, 2003)

Electronics Technician 3rd Class Heath Spencer kisses his daughter after a long-awaited homecoming of USS Pasadena (SSN 752). Pasadena returns to its homeport of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, following an eight-month deployment to the Western Pacific.
(U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 3rd Class Corwin Colbert).

030604-N-2385R-008 Central Command Area of Responsibility (Jun. 4, 2003)

Boatswain’s Mate 2nd Class Casey Opdahl from Bismarck, N.D. helps an emergency medical patient onto the rigid hull inflatable boat (RHIB) from the attack submarine USS Pasadena (SSN 752). Nimitz Strike Group and Carrier Air Wing Eleven (CVN-11) are deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the multi-national coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people, eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
(U.S. Navy photo by Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Yesenia Rosas).

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