О блоге

14 января 2011 г.

Russia lifts ban on Tu-95 bomber flights (Jan. 12, 2011)

The Russian Air Force has lifted a ban on the flights of Tu-95 Bear strategic bombers imposed after an An-22 Cock transport plane was destroyed in a crash last December.

The plane crashed in the Tula Region on December 28, killing all 12 crew members.

The Air Force decided to ground all Tu-95s and An-22s because both aircraft types share the Kuznetsov NK-12 turboprop, whose failure was suspected as the main cause of the crash.

The An-22 remains the largest turboprop-powered aircraft in the world. Around 45 remain in service with the Russian Air Force and most are over 40 years old.

MOSCOW, January 12 (RIA Novosti)

РИА Новости
Главком ВВС снял ограничения на полеты Ту-95
Главком ВВС России снял ограничения на полеты стратегических бомбардировщиков Ту-95, введенные после катастрофы Ан-22 с аналогичным двигателем. >>

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