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10 января 2011 г.

EUNAVFOR welcomes the French frigate ACONIT and the Spanish frigate CANARIAS to the mission . (Dec.2010 -Jan. 2011)

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Как сообщает eunavfor.eu, 4 января 2011 года в район операции ATALANTA прибыл  фрегат военно-морских сил Франции FS ACONIT (F 713), типа "Лафайет" .

On 4 January, The French frigate ACONIT (F 713) and her 180 crew joined Operation ATALANTA.

FS ACONIT was commissioned into the French Navy in 1999; she has a displacement of 3,200 tonnes and a length of 125 meters. She is commanded by Commander Christophe Eugene and this is her second operational deployment with Operation ATALANTA.

As a flexible warship La Fayette class frigate FS ACONIT is perfectly adapted to counter-piracy missions and will improve the capability of EUNAVFOR to protect vulnerable vessels, especially those of the World Food Programme.

La frégate Aconit est le quatrième bâtiment de type La Fayette d'une série qui compte cinq unités de la Marine nationale française. Son numéro de coque est F 713. Elle est parrainée par la ville de Chalon-sur-Saône.

30 декабря 2010 года к силам EUNAVFOR присоединился фрегат военно-морских сил Испании  SPS Canarias (F 86), типа "Санта Мария".

On the 30 December the Spanish Frigate SPS Canarias (F 86), for the second time, joined EUNAVFOR.

Last time she was a part of EUNAVFOR was in 2009. Commanded by Commander Rafael Fernandez-Pintado, the ship and its crew are fully prepared and trained to take an active part within EUNAVFOR.

SPS Canarias is equipped with extensive self defense capability and includes two SH-60B helicopters. The warship has an advanced medical facility and will relief SPS PATIÑO as the platform for EUNAVFOR Force Commander and his staff.

SPS Canarias holds 202 crew members, including 21 officers. She has been commissioned for service in the Spanish Navy since 1994. The warship has a displacement of 4.100 tons and a length of 138 meters.

La fragata Canarias (F 86) es la última de una serie de 6 fragatas que componen la Clase Santa María, una versión española de la clase Oliver Hazard Perry estadounidense construidas por la Empresa Nacional Bazán (hoy Navantia).

Tegs: Gulf of Aden, Atalanta, бпк "Адмирал Виноградов".

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