О блоге

10 января 2011 г.

EUNAVFOR thanks FS FLOREAL after three and a half months of operation

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20 декабря 2010 года завершил боевое патрулирование в составе сил EUNAVFOR французский фрегат FS FLOREAL (F 730)

The French frigate FLOREAL finished as an EUNAVFOR warship on the 20 December after 105 days flying the European Flag. She has conducted a variety of tasks in the force and demonstrated a proactive attitude to face all challenges in order to achieve the objectives of Operation ATALANTA.

During her days at sea she has spent a good deal of her time conducting the main task of EUNAVFOR; escorting World Food Programmes and AMISOM’s transports as well as protecting the Internationally Recommended Transit Corridor, protecting one of the world’s busiest sea routes. The rest of the time FS FLOREAL has spent patrolling the Somali Basin, the waters between the Somali coast and the Seychelles.

On the 7 November, FLOREAL rescued a South African yachtsman, who escaped capture by pirates when he refused to cooperate with them.

La Floréal (numéro de coque F.730) est une frégate française de la Marine nationale construite en 1990, première de la classe Floréal. Elle est basée au port de la Pointe des Galets depuis le 6 juillet 1992.

We go on patrol with the EU force in the Pirate alley, also known as the Gulf of Aden. They're trying to stem the tide of piracy off the Somali coast.

Tegs: Atalanta, Gulf of Aden, бпк "Адмирал Виноградов"

EUNAVFOR thanks fs Floreal after three and a half months of operation

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