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10 ноября 2010 г.

Christening of Virginia-Class submarine California (SSN 781).(Nov.6, 2010)

Состоялась церемония крещения новейшей американской подводной лодки California (SSN 781), которая транслировалась в Интернете в прямом эфире.

California is the eighth Virginia-Class submarine built by Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding and General Dynamics' Electric Boat.

California (SSN 781), the eighth ship of the Virginia class, is named after the "Golden State." It is being constructed at the company's Shipbuilding sector in Newport News, Va. The ship's keel was laid in May 2009. Once delivered to the Navy in 2011, California will be the most modern and sophisticated attack submarine in the world, providing undersea supremacy well into the 21st century. Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding is teamed with General Dynamics Electric Boat to build Virginia class submarines.

Newest Virginia-Class Submarine Christened as Navy Launches Education Event in California

NEWPORT NEWS, Va. - Northrop Grumman Corporation christened the eighth submarine of the Virginia class, California (SSN 781), at the company's Shipbuilding sector in Newport News, Va. on Nov. 6.

Mrs. Donna Willard, the ship's sponsor, performed the traditional honor of breaking a bottle of American sparkling wine across the submarine's hull. She is the wife of Adm. Robert F. Willard, the current Commander of the U.S. Pacific Command.

101106-N-8750E-101 NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (Nov. 6, 2010) Donna Willard, sponsor of the Virginia-class submarine Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) California (SSN 781), christens the submarine as Jackalyne Pfannenstielm, center, assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations and Environment, and Mike Peters, president of Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, look on. (Photo courtesy of Northrop Grumman)

На видео церемония крещения АПЛ "Калифорния" - представление командования АПЛ, Miss California, длинные речи, разбитие спонсором бутылки шампанского, но не о борт лодки, падение на зрителей голубых воздушных шаров, всеобщее ликование и счастье.  

The event, which is closed to the public, will be streamed live online: http://www.tvworldwide.com/events/Northrop_Grumman/101109/

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