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5 мая 2010 г.

Mumbai. INS Shivalik. Новый фрегат ВМС Индии по технологии Стелс. (Apr 29, 2010).

The Shivalik class frigates or Project 17 class frigates are multi-role frigates with stealth features being built for the Indian Navy

По сообщению РИА Новости из Нью-Дели, в четверг 29 апреля состоялась торжественная церемония приема в боевой состав ВМС Индии нового фрегата INS Shivalik (на фото) (Project 17 class frigates ), головного корабля из серии из трех новых фрегатов по технологии STEALTH.

Водоизмещение фрегата 6200 тонн, длина 142,5 м, ширина 16,9 метра, корабль имеет малую радиолокационную заметность, специальную аэродинамику.

Дальность плавания 5000 морских миль на крейсерской скорости 18 узлов. 

Экипаж 257 военнослужащих, в том числе 35 офицеров.

Фрегат INS Shivalik является головным кораблем в серии, два других INS Satpura и INS Sahyadiri.

Помимо Индии, только США, Россия, Великобритания, Франция, Швеция, Япония, Италия и Китай имеют возможность построить кораблей такого размера и класса по технологии STEALTH.

Фрегаты типа Шивалик являются расширенным и измененным вариантом русского Project 1135.6 Talwar, фрегата класса Кривак III. 

Он был совместно разработан NDB и "Северное проектно- конструкторское бюро - СПКБ.

По внешнему виду фрегат INS Shivalik очень похож на фрегаты класса Talwar, хотя кормовая оконечность больше похожа на эсминцы класса Дели.

The Indian Navy on Thursday commissioned the INS Shivalik, the first of three new indigenous stealth frigates, the Defense Ministry said.

The 6,200-ton, 142.5 by 16.9 meter frigate has low radar visibility. Special aerodynamics, as well as the equipment and materials used in building the warship makes it very difficult to monitor its movements.

It has a range of 5,000 nautical miles at cruising speed of 18 knots and a crew of 257, including 35 officers.

Speaking at an official ceremony, Defense Minister AK Antony said there had been a distinct shift in country's policy from a "Buyer's Navy to a Builder's Navy."

"We must continue with our efforts to transform and modernize our shipyards, so that they can not only meet the domestic demands but also achieve latest international standards in quality construction," he said.

He said India's long coastline and ever expanding exclusive economic zone made it imperative to defend land and sea lanes.

The INS Shivalik is the first in the series, the other two being the INS Satpura and the INS Sahyadiri

The Navy has said Shivalik-class frigates will be its mainstay warships in the first half of the 21st century.

Apart from India, only the US, Russia, the UK, France, Sweden, Japan, Italy and China have the capability to build stealth warships of this size and class.

The Shivalik Class frigate is an enlarged and modified version of the Russian P1135.6 Talwar {Krivak III} Class frigates.

It was jointly designed by the NDB and Russia's Severnoye Project Design Bureau (Severnoye Proyektno-Konstruktorskoye Bjuro - SPKB), the designers of the P1135.6 frigate.

SPKB has been a consulting partner to the Indian Navy for quite some time now and its design influence is clearly seen in the Type 15 Delhi Class destroyers and Type 25/25A Khukri / Kora Class corvettes.

In appearance and layout, the Shivalik Class frigate is very similar to the Talwar Class frigate although the aft end is more like the Delhi Class destroyer.

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