О блоге

10 мая 2010 г.

Moscow Victory Parade of 2010. Парад Победы. (May 9, 2010)

Парад Победы в Москве, 9 мая 2010 года.

Over 200 veterans from 24 foreign countries have arrived in Moscow to attend World War Two Victory Day celebrations on Sunday.

Victory Day marks the final surrender by Nazi Germany to the U.S.S.R. in WWII, often referred to as the Great Patriotic War in Russia and other states in the former Soviet Union.

Belarus and Ukraine sent the largest delegations of veterans to Moscow. Other delegations arrived from other ex-Soviet states and former Soviet allies in the WWII - the United States, France and Great Britain.

This year's parade Moscow's Red Square involves over 10,000 personnel, 150 tracked and wheeled military vehicles, as well as 127 aircraft and helicopters.

U.S., British, Polish and French troops are taking part in the parade for the first time in history.

After the parade, the foreign veterans will lay flowers to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Alexandrovsky Gardens near the Kremlin and attend a number of festive events in the Russian capital.

Victory parade on Red Square

Главным событием празднования юбилея Победы стал Всероссийский Парад. Он прошел в 19 городах страны, ещё в 52-х состоялось торжественное прохождение войск. В праздничном марше на Красной площади приняли участие более одиннадцати тысяч военнослужащих. 



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