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20 апреля 2010 г.

Spanish warship ESPS VICTORIA (F 82). GULF OF ADEN. (April 15, 2010)

 15 апреля фрегат ВМС Испании ESPS VICTORIA ( F 82) в Аденском заливе уничтожил обнаруженную вертолетом предполагаемую базу сомалийских пиратов на китобойном судне.

15 April, EU NAVFOR Spanish warship ESPS VICTORIA ( F 82) tracked, boarded and destroyed a Pirate mother ship.

On Thursday morning, an EU NAVFOR helicopter, from the Spanish warship ESPS Victoria ( F 82), detected a Whaler with three suspected pirates onboard, just off the Somali coast. Victoria called upon the Whaler to stop but got no response. After warning shots were fired, a boarding was carried out.

On inspection of the whaler large amounts of fuel and ammunition were found. Although the individuals said they were fishermen, no fishing equipment was found. The decision was taken to dispose of the whaler and the three men on board were transported ashore. The whaler was subsequently destroyed.

SPS Victoria (F82) is the second of the six Spanish-built Santa Maria-class frigates, based on the American Oliver Hazard Perry class design, of the Spanish Navy.

All of these Spanish frigates have the length of the later Oliver Hazard Perry frigates, and have a wider beam than the US Navy design, and therefore able to carry more top weight. Fin stabilizers are fitted.

On 29 March 2009, as she was taking part in Operation Atalanta, German Navy Tanker Spessart (A1442) was attacked by a 7-man pirate boat. In addition to the regular 40-man civilian crew, Spessart carried a 12-man security detail which exchanged small arm fire with the pirates, and repelled the assault. The SH-60 helicopter aboard SPS Victoria (F82) intercepted the fleeing pirate skiff, opened fire and kept guard over the surrendering pirates until relieved by naval units. The frigates HNLMS De Zeven Provinciën, HS Psara and the USS Boxer were involved in this chase.

La Victoria (F-82), es una fragata de la Armada Española de Clase Santa María, segunda de su clase y que originariamente estaba destinada a llamarse Murcia, nombre que posteriormente, fue cambiado por Pinta y finalmente por el definitivo.

El 26 de marzo de 2010, volvió a zarpar desde la base naval de Rota con rumbo a aguas de Somalia, para relevar a la fragata Navarra en la operación Atalanta de la Unión Europea para la lucha contra la piratería.A mediados de abril, Inerceptó una ballenera, que presuntamente, era utilizado como buque nodriza por los piratas. Tras registrar la embarcación y ante las evidencias halladas, se traslado a la tripulación a la costa de Somalia y se procedió a destruir y hundir la ballenera.

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