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24 марта 2010 г.

USS Vicksburg (CG 69) participates in PASSEX 2010 with Norwegian Navy (March 19, 2010)

Ракетный крейсер ВМС США типа Тикондерога USS Vicksburg (CG 69) (на фото) принял участие в учениях PASSEX 2010, где отработал взаимодействие с фрегатом ВМС Норвегии HNoMS Helge Ingstad (F 313) (Fridtjof Nansen class) в поиске норвежской дизель-электрической подводной лодки HNoMS Uredd (S-305) и другие задачи

USS VICKSBURG, at sea – USS Vicksburg (CG 69) completed a unique Passing Exercise (PASSEX) off the Western Coast of Norway, including operations above the Arctic Circle.

Vicksburg participated alongside HNoMS Helge Ingstad (F 313), Norway's newest Fridtjof Nansen class frigate (foto), during the PASSEX, where they exchanged liaison officers and several crew members.

The two ships then proceeded to conduct a series of Coordinated Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Exercises (CASEX's) with the Norwegian diesel-electric submarine HNoMS Uredd (S-305), where they had a real-world experience of countering a live submarine.

Both surface ships also had the opportunity to see Uredd operate submerged within 500 yards to provide submarine familiarization, in which the submarine systematically raised and lowered different combinations of masts and antennas for lookout training.

Once the live CASEX's were complete, Vicksburg and Helge Ingstad turned north and proceeded above the Arctic Circle, practicing coordinated search and tracking in an effort to build and maintain a Recognized Maritime and Air Picture, a critical training objective outlined by the Norwegians.

The PASSEX also featured a series of complex Air Defense Exercises (ADEX) supported by Norwegian F-16 squadrons out of Bodø Main Air Station in Bodø, Norway, which culminated in a dynamic force on force engagement.

USS Vicksburg (CG 69), homeported in Mayport, Fla., is on a scheduled deployment in the 6th Fleet area of responsibility.

KNM «Helge Ingstad» er en norsk fregatt av Fridtjof Nansen-klassen. Fregatten F-313 KNM «Helge Ingstad» ble overlevert 29. september 2009 fra verftsgruppen Navantia i Spania til Sjøforsvaret ved Forsvarets Logistikkorganisasjon(FLO). Fartøyet er nummer fire i serien av fem som skal leveres til sjøforsvaret.

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