О блоге

14 марта 2010 г.

Эдуард Хиль (Eduard Khil) стал мистером Trololo !!!

Вокализ "Я очень рад, ведь я, наконец, возвращаюсь домой" сделал советского певца Эдуарда Хиля сверхпопулярным среди интернет слушателей. Число просмотров видео вокализа, который снимался в Швеции в 1976 году уже превысило два с половиной миллиона человек и вызвала бурю восторга в англоязычном интернете.

Как рассказал сам Эдуард Хиль в интервью "Комсомольской правде", вначале это была песня которая не прошла художественный совет на телевидении(своеобразную цензуру).Содержание у нее было приблизительно такое: Джон на своем мустанге несется в штат Кентукки, где ждет его любимая Мери, которая вяжет ему шерстяной чулок.

A Soviet hit composed almost half a century ago has become the latest craze on the Internet, after nearly 2 million people watched the vintage video clip featuring Soviet crooner Eduard Khil performing his golden oldie.

From Kansas City to London, from Canada to Philippines – fans from around the globe have recently been responding to it, begging the 75 year-old baritone, Khil, to go on a world concert tour with his unorthodox hit, "I Am So Happy to Finally Be Back Home".

An official petition has even been launched and published on Facebook, referring to Eduard Khil as the “Trololo man”, and urging the singer to go on a tour with his “greatest song ever”.

Khil's signature style and optimism have proved infectious to the point where the Oscar-winning star of “Inglorious Basterds”, Austrian actor Christoph Waltz, performed his version of the Soviet hit when he recently appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show.

The song is an evergreen, but in fact, it is called a “vocalization”, i.e., singing without words.

Khil told Russian online source Life News that initially the song was meant to go with the following lyrics: “I'm riding my mustang horse on the prairie, while my beloved Mary is a thousand miles away knitting my socks…” But in Soviet times, such lyrics would not have survived the harsh censorship, so Khil and the composer of the song, Arkady Ostrovsky, decided to get rid of any words at all.

“The song is very naughty – and since there are no words in it, it had to have something special to attract listeners, which is why it features a very interesting arrangement,” Khil was quoted as saying.

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