О блоге

24 февраля 2010 г.

Российский конькобежец хабаровчанин Иван Скобрев порадовал серебром на 10 км дистанции

Российский конькобежец Иван Скобрев благодаря ошибке голландца Свена Крамера выиграл серебряную награду на дистанции 10 км. Олимпийским чемпионом стал кореец Сюн-Хун Ли, установив олимпийский рекорд. Третье место занял голландец Боб де Йонг.

Голландец Свен Крамер, который половину дистанции шел на золотую награду, опережая время корейца, в паре со Скобревым перепутал дорожки и был дисквалифицирован.

Korean speed skater wins marathon gold, Russian gets silver.
Korea's Lee Seung-Hoon won the men's 10,000m speed skating gold medal after Dutchman Sven Kramer was sensationally disqualified after coming over the line first.

Already a speed skating champion in Vancouver, Kramer was the clear favorite and he showed that he is currently the best in the world, crossing the finish line at the Richmond Oval more than four seconds faster than Lee.
The Dutchman thought he had won but everything turned upside down for him shortly after his finish. A lane infringement with eight laps left saw him disqualified, ending his dream of completing the first golden treble by an Olympic speed skater since Norway's Johann Olav Koss in 1994.

Lee took the title with a new Olympic record, 3.52 seconds clear of Russia’s Ivan Skobrev.

Kramer's teammate, De Jong, got the bronze medal. “It is really hard to skate that fast and he missed the crossover,” he said of Kramer afterwards. “It really sucks," he added.

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